Yahoo! Store Development For Merchants Who Already Have a Store Design

Fledgeling merchants generally wet-land into the Yahoo! Store world thinking a) it will be everything they hopedĀ  (which inevitably it isn’t without custom handling), and then b) that every development agency takes a Swiss Army knife approach to MacGyvering them in and out of wet and crusty quicksand pits. Both of these assumptions are quickly
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FastPivot Now Hiring For RTML "Rockstar" Yahoo! Store Programmer

FastPivot, a world class Yahoo! Store development agency, is now hiring for a Yahoo! Store programmer / developer. The candidate should be fanatical about using RTML, PHP (basic), Java Script, CSS, XHTML/HTML to create e-commerce stores and solutions (configurators, advanced search, complex third-party integrations,etc.) on the Yahoo! Merchant Solutions Platform. Not only should this Yahoo!
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Yahoo! Stores Are Naked Sans Custom Product Images

A Yahoo! Store without dazzling and highly functional product images is like a bluejay without plumage. With all the innovative product image development out there, consumers expect a higher level of product image interfacing than ever before. Despite brilliant, and detailed, product copy, many ecommerce merchants fail to see the importance of high quality product
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Vintage Woodworks' Yahoo! Store Found by "Extreme Makeover"

Vintage Woodwork’s Yahoo! Store was recently “found” by the producers of Extreme Makeover, who asked if the owners would take part in a special Walker Family episode. Extreme Makeover is a popular American T.V. show that covers teams of custom home builders lending a hand to needy families to Richie-Richify (with only days to work)
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Yosemite Launches Newly Designed Yahoo! Store

FastPivot’s Yahoo! Store developers were honored to launch Yosemite National Park’s official concessioners’ new Yahoo! Store: . This store is based off of FastPivot’s standard style guides for Yahoo! Stores, which includes a rotating home page banner, pagination and rotating testimonials.’s new homepage (Screenshot): A complete list of features for this custom Yahoo!
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Are Yahoo! Store Websites Good for Beginners?

Perhaps due to the economy (traditional business is down while ecommerce is up), we have more beginner merchants than ever before calling about how to start an internet business. Many of those haven’t committed to the Yahoo! Store platform and are “just shopping around.” When we ask, “Why consider a Yahoo! Store as you plan
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Why One Yahoo! Store Merchant is Losing $1400 a Week

A small Yahoo! Store ecommerce business that once pulled in $1600 a week and drops to $200 a week is analogous to a bricks-and-mortar style demolition. We talked to one such Yahoo! store merchant a while back who told us this very thing happened to them, almost overnight. Over the summer, everything was going fine,
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