We hope you can dig into these reads this weekend to help you with your business. Some great thoughts about your PPC budget, the future of SEO, Facebook LIVE and how it can be a marketing tool, plus some personal productivity tools that cover the different places you find yourself during the day. Enjoy your weekend!
Online Advertising: How To Grow Online Market Share Without Increasing Your PPC Budget: Pay-per-click advertising is all about buying online market share. People are searching online for something relevant to your business, and you pay to show up in that search. It’s a great model, provided that those impressions actually turn into sales. Unfortunately, even if your PPC efforts are producing profitable sales, most business owners and account managers live with the nagging feeling that their ad spend isn’t producing properly. The market share is there; you just can’t seem to capture it! – Read More
Search Engine Optimization: Where Will SEO Go This Year?: In the world of SEO, 2015 was relatively quiet. Sure, search marketers had a plethora of algorithm updates, constantly evolving snippets, instant answers and ever-changing metrics to contend with, but SEO practitioners are used to that pace of change. However, with conversations in the first quarter of this year still swirling around ad blocking and earned versus owned media, I believe that going forward, 2016 will be a very exciting year for SEOs. Based on my own experience and client comments and feedback, I foresee a couple of major shifts occurring. – Read More
Social Media: Facebook Live: Why Live Video Matters for Marketers: Facebook Live video is great for marketers because it gives the ability to create an intimate, authentic connection with your audience. It humanizes and personalizes your brand. – Read More
Personal: 12 Tools That’ll Keep You Productive Morning, Noon & Night: If you want to be more productive throughout the day, you’re better off relegating certain activities to certain times, and devoting yourself to doing those activities at those times. And to make sure you get the right things done at the right times of day, you can lean on a plethora of different free or relatively cheap apps and tools. (After all, some things are better together.) – Read More