Fastpivot loves (Hearts) NY! (and NJ!) How about you?

    “You guys rock!  Thanks for saving our sanity!”  -Tim Schlitzer     The request comes in: “Hi Matt, Daphne and Tim We are still with limited power and internet since the storm as we now live and produce our Try Chips in New Jersey.  The storm has hit our community pretty hard.
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Niagara-Falls Catches Yahoo! Store Current

For tourists who want to bring Niagara Falls home after a memorable visit to the world famous waterfalls, that’s now possible through the official vendor site Customers looking down into this new FastPivot-built Yahoo! Store can practically feel the ancient mists from  Niagara River’s 64,750 cubic feet per second charging off the world’s edge,
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New Yahoo! Store Launch: Welcome Provider Health Systems!

Even after launching thousands of Yahoo! Stores over the years, we still enjoy profiling our new Yahoo! Store launches. Why? Because every Yahoo! Store we custom build is unique and beautiful in a way that’s worth sharing! At, we love what we can do on the Yahoo! Store platform and that the platform is
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Getting International Traffic? Install Google Translate!

Earlier this month, we published a blog about installing Google Translate for Yahoo! Stores. Since that time we have had a number of merchants asking us about installing Google Translate for their Yahoo! Store. When we consider how installing Google Translate fits into an international marketing plan, we must look at where this feature really
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Facebook "Page" Admins Can Now Schedule Posts

Facebook has recently added a new functionality to Pages, so admins can schedule posts up to six months in the future. It’s no shock that Facebook has allowed Page managers to schedule posts, as it is a critical tool for brands who want to meticulously plan an editorial calendar, especially around publication times when no
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