Fastpivot loves (Hearts) NY! (and NJ!) How about you?


Hurricane Sandy
Photo by NASA


You guys rock!  Thanks for saving our sanity!”  -Tim Schlitzer



The request comes in:

Hi Matt, Daphne and Tim

We are still with limited power and internet since the storm as we now live and produce our Try Chips in New Jersey.  The storm has hit our community pretty hard.   Can you help us with something?  Can you either tell me how or help us to shut down our Yahoo Store and put up a message saying we are down for a bit as we get things back up and running


We are out of Try Chips and can not pack again until things get back up and running.

I hate doing this but people keep ordering and we can not keep up with the orders at this time.

Any suggestions or ways to help?   We hope you are all doing well!   Hope all is well where you are!


Tim, Try Chips ”

Over the years, businesses in NY and NJ have been good clients and friends to us.  For them, we give thanks and are grateful.  They are hotbeds of etail innovation with many great startups and solid established businesses alike.

Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone who has experienced loss in the wake of the storm, but we also want to put action to our words.

Our heart at FastPivot is always to help good people grow great businesses that make a difference!

Tim and Jerry and the Trybe gang are all of that and more!  In the wake of the storm, these guys weren’t just sitting and worrying they are working to help their neighbors as well:

“We just learned the house we were staying at until we moved here to the winery was destroyed – so we are very lucky we moved a few days before and the winery apartment we now have was nice and safe.   We are participating in a fund raiser for our neighbors this weekend.   THank you for helping us not worry about Try Chips until things get back to normal.   Oh yea and now we are getting lots of snow!  Yikes!”

To help our clients serve their clients and customers better, we will offer a free consultation and discount on any services required to help navigate these days (or weeks) until things return to normal after Sandy.

Storms bring out both the best and worst in us.  May every storm bring out only the best in you and your team and family.

May God help us be the good neighbors our community needs.

Is there anything we can be doing to help you or anyone you know affected by Hurricane Sandy?

What can you do to help?  What are you already doing to help make a difference?

If you like healthy snacks, consider preordering some TryChips!  They are super tasty and GOOD for you!

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