Mobile Stats Indicate Mobile Shopping is a Hassle For Most

According to a 2010 Brandbank’s Report, (figures from YouGov Plc) “the overall trend is one of dissatisfaction with current mobile offerings. Only four per cent of UK consumers claim they find making purchases via their mobile device hassle free.” If you’re asking yourself if you read that right, you did; ONLY 4% of these consumers are happy about shopping mobile.

Smart Yahoo! Store merchants with a penchant for success might ponder these mobile stats and conclude that there must be a way to seize an opportunity among the discouraging news. There is…read on.

Consequences of Poor Mobile Website Usability

“When consumers were asked what their typical response would be to a negative mcommerce experience (such as slow loading times or not being able to see all the appropriate product information), 35 per cent claim they would simply conduct an internet search for the product they were interested in, while 23 per cent say they would look directly at another retailer‚Äôs website.” — Mobile stats source: 2010 Brandbank’s Report, (figures from YouGov Plc).

This response is typical for any online shopper. If they can’t find what they want in seconds, they’re gone. If you haven’t optimized your standard Yahoo! Store to include a mobile friendly website, then as the next section discusses, you’re already giving mobile shoppers a reason to leave your Yahoo! Store for the competition.

Obstacles to Hassle-Free Mobile Shopping:

“When asked which aspects of their mcommerce experience they found to be irritating, the most frequent response was being forced to zoom in and out to view all the information on a web page (47% ). This was followed by having to wait for images to load on a page (43% )” — Mobile stats source: 2010 Brandbank’s Report, (figures from YouGov Plc).

Would you stay on a site that you couldn’t navigate properly. These mobile shoppers are browsing on a few inch wide screen. If they come along to a Yahoo! Store that doesn’t have a nice mobile friendly interface with intuitive search, quick upload times, a streamlined list of featured products, and super easy mobile shopping cart, you might as well be calling your competitor and saying, “I’ve got a hot customer coming your way.”

Isn’t the Solution to this Mobile Shopping Hassle Obvious?

Give mobile shoppers a Yahoo! Store mobile interface that makes shopping easy.That means designing a mobile friendly website for your Yahoo! Store. Watch the Youtube below to learn what mobile features should be included in a mobile friendly Yahoo! Store website.

To get a mobile friendly website for your Yahoo! Store, visit FastPivot mobile today.

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