M-commerce Reality Check: Fastpivot Mobile Captures Over $70k

M-commerce has become well-worn jargon for both mobile friendly website designers and early adopting e-merchants, but the term hasn’t crossed into mainstream language, yet. Although e-commerce store merchants have been educated on why it’s smart to build a mobile friendly website, revenue reports of significance have yet to materialize. Why? Simply because the m-commerce industry is still in the burgeoning stages of establishing the brand new platform that is mobile. It also takes time to measure mobile analytics and properly evaluate mobile conversion in relation to the rest of the noise.

FastPivot has been installing mobile friendly websites for its Yahoo! Store merchant clients for some months now, but until now it has been premature to announce a mobile earnings report. FastPivot is proud to announce:

In the last quarter alone Fastpivot Mobile captured over $70k in revenue for its Fastpivot Software Merchants

This is significant, especially when one considers the relatively low mobile traffic compared to other traffic rates. However mobile traffic is predicted to grow rapidly in 2011 and beyond, so as we’ve said before, and will say again, now is the time to go mobile. Develop a mobile friendly website so your mobile smart phone shoppers won’t defect to the competition simply because they can’t navigate a store not optimized for their 3-inch screens. Remember, the easier you make it for mobile shoppers to shop, the more likely they are to buy. If that old caveat is forgotten, there’s no telling how much money will be left on the table.

fastpivot mobile friendly website for yahoo stores
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