Online Advertising:
Boomerang Conversions: Nurture Leads & Gain Repeat Customers With PPC: Paid search is (mostly) concerned with gaining conversions. This is great and all, and definitely should be your main focus, but often times we forget about what happensafter the conversion. Why is this important, you ask? For lead generation, most conversions will not immediately turn into sales. These leads have to be nurtured in order to become legitimate sales opportunities. For ecommerce, you want to gain a lifetime customer, not just a one-time purchaser. Here we’ll go through nurturing and retention strategies for both account types.
Search Engine Optimization:
The Beginner’s Guide to Link Building: What Is Link Building & Why Is It Important? Whether you’re brand new to link building or have been doing it for a while, we’re sure you’ll find something useful in this guide. The landscape of SEO and link building is always changing, and today, the importance of building high-quality links has never been higher. The need to understand and implement high-quality campaigns is essential if you’re going to compete and thrive online, and that isn’t going to change any time soon.
Social Media:
How to Build an Outreach Strategy to Earn More Social Shares: 5 Research-Backed Ways to Earn More Social Shares – Earning the maximum amount of social engagement on your content requires that you carefully plot the factors that can put your campaigns and messages in front of the people who are most likely to help you share them.
15 Free Content Marketing Tools To Make Your Life Easier: Content manager and content marketers lives can get a bit hectic. They spend a lot of time identifying what is seen as relevant and valuable content, in relation to their product, with the intent of changing or enhancing consumer behavior.