Why Social Validation Is The Holy Grail for Ecommerce Merchants

Psychology Today published a September 2009 piece titled The Theory of Social Validation, which boils down to the fact that “you’re not great until someone says you are.”

The real life implications of  “The Theory of Social Validation” for ecommerce merchants is not something to be taken lightly, even if it is the case that each one of us can be great on our own terms without the need for a pat on the back from others. Consider which books, from the loads actually published each year, actually ascend to top ten bestseller lists: the ones with good reviews from the press, from vocal readers, and even from self-generated buzz via traditional marketing and social media channels.

This doesn’t mean it’s easy to go around tooting your own horn on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook etc. to gain social validation, but it does mean that the social media medium is a tool where validation for an unknown product can happen in minutes.

One thing to remember, however, is like in the real world, product(s) must be great to keep people talking. And if it’s only mediocre or lacks in some way, it will be publicly criticized or even worse, completely ignored.

The most valuable social validation happens when reputable people recommend or suggest you or your product to the world through personal reference, review, or public acknowledgement. Befriending those influential people via Twitter and Facebook and getting them interested in what you’re doing is paramount.

When Twitter tweets or Facebook posts are re-tweeted and recommended by those with clout, the response reverberates throughout the social media construct at such a rapid pace that by the time it begins to fade, your brand has gained exponentially in recognition and consumer confidence. When it’s time for another marketing blast, even more friends and followers will be on the lookout for your product news.

Social validation can wisp into any decision maker’s ear to whisper it’s well known coercion : If everyone else is doing it, let’s just go with it too…besides, how can so many other smart, capable people be wrong? But be assured that while a Twitter tweet, Facebook post, or even a YouTube video can travel light speed in the minds of the populace, once is rarely enough to make a lasting effort.

FastPivot.com social media experts suggest creating and implementing a social media marketing road-map strategy to achieve consistent, long-term results. Contact us to get started.

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