FastPivot Launches Next Generation "Create-and-Share" Contest Application For Ecreamery

By Jennifer Boos

“Fresh,” “exciting,” and “interactive” are all adjectives that are commonly heard around FastPivot HQ. They are a must these days to keep customers coming back, increase traffic, and consequently sales, in your ecommerce store. At FastPivot, we’ve recently taken social to the next level with a ‚ÄúCreate-and-Share‚Äù contest application, which uses Facebook to LIKE (vote) for the entries.

Selling a product that melts is probably one of the most difficult things to sell online; however, eCreamery, based in Nebraska, is hugely successful at doing just that. Recently, they worked with FastPivot to create a personalized contest application. The basis of the work was to use Facebook LIKE as the contest counter and track votes for the “sweetest flavor ever” created by their fans.

FastPivot developed a social contest dashboard for eCreamery’s “ice cream contest” that takes entries submitted from the ‚Äúcreate your own‚Äù page and stores in an application for eCreamery to review and approve. Once approved, these entries are visible in a grid and as an individual contest page within Visitors to the site can look at all the contest entries, and then vote for their favorite by clicking the Facebook LIKE button. They can also share the page using all the popular sharing sources to encourage their friends to do the same and even purchase that flavor creation. The contest application tracks the leading entry and allows eCreamery to identify the winning submissions.

ecreamery facebook contest

ECreamery has control over the messaging associated with the process as well as being able to clear out the database for future contests. This allows them to reuse the application for a variety of purposes and for future promotions. In addition, by collecting entries, they have a new source of “interest” in their product line to market to. Judging by the over 12 pages of entries so far and the leading flavor already exceeding 150 votes, it looks to be working.

If you’d like to speak with an eCommerce Specialist about how FastPivot can add some interactivity to your store, please call us at 1.888.770.8883 or contact us today.

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