10 Reasons to Consider a New Design for Your Ecommerce Website

We’re well underway into 2011 and hopefully you took some time in the last 30 days to review last years results and develop a ’11 strategy.  The web has changed so much in the past year that it has also impacted shoppers purchasing behaviour.  To stay competitive in today’s changing climate, your website has to connect and perform at it’s best.

Here are ten reasons why you need to consider a new design for your ecommerce website or Yahoo! Store and keep your competitive edge in 2011:

  1. Mobile is big, and getting bigger.
    People are using their mobile phones more than ever.  Mobile phone user growth is expected to hit 22% growth this year.

  2. Social connections are more important than ever.
    More than 500 million active users are now on Facebook and Twitter added more than 100 million new registered accounts in 2010.

  3. Buying behavior is changing.
    See #1 and 2.

  4. Competition is growing.
    New ecommerce platforms are making it easier than ever to open and market an ecommerce website both here and abroad.

  5. Search engines are changing.
    A big change by Google last year resulted in a SERP-shakeup and now reviews are playing a role in listings.

  6. New technology has been adopted.
    iPad. Google Nexus S. iPhone 4. Apple/Google TV. CSS3. HTML5. jQuery Mobile. etc.

  7. New strategies have to be implemented.
    Social media is a great technology, but it can actually harm your business without a sound strategy. Keep this in mind as you think through mobile commerce as well.

  8. ‘Set it, and forget it’ isn’t a strategy.
    Ron Popeil had a great idea when it came to food, but even food will get moldy after a year.  Plus #4.

  9. You can’t do everything yourself.
    You could certainly try, but chances are you won’t make it by yourself. Find a partner who will come along side you, and your ecommerce business.

  10. Your business is important to you.
    As well as the people that work for you and the customers that purchase from you.  Do them, and yourself, a favor by thinking through what a new design could do for your business.

Don’t be left behind as your competition makes headway.  Take the necessary steps today to protect your business and future.

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