Above is the photo Try Chips’s Tim (Founder) and Jackie (CEO) Schlitzer posted on Facebook after their tour stopped through Asheville to visit the FastPivot.com team in person (in 2011 FastPivot brought Try Chips’s store live on the Yahoo! platform). In the above photo, we have Tim and Jackie from Try Chips with a few members of the FastPivot team: Matthew Ledford (CEO), Daphne Kirkwood (HR Director), and Jonathan Poston (Chief Content Officer). While FastPivot always strives to develop great working relationships with clients online, there’s nothing like meeting in person. It was truly a pleasure to spend a few hours with these amazing folks. As a parting gesture they left us all a few bags of their delicious Try Chips. YUM! Thanks again Try Chips for making a point to stop through and TRY Asheville.