Don't Wait to Add a Gift Registry for Your Yahoo! Store

One feature many Yahoo! Store merchants may not consider adding right away is a Gift Registry. However, it soon becomes obvious that Gift Registries are a very convenient e-store tool. Customers who are getting married, having birthdays, or are in other situations where they will be receiving gifts, can use a Gift Registry to display a list of suggested gift items for friends to buy. And it’s a lot easier than the old bricks-and-mortar Gift Registry model of leaving a paper list at an old-fashion department store. With ecommerce Gift Registries, friends of the gift recipient can just go to website url, click on the Gift Registry button, and do a quick search for their friends by first or last name.

fastpivot gift registry
FastPivot Gift Registry for Toads & Tulips

FastPivot installs Gift Registry to Yahoo Merchant Solutions Standard and Professional Stores. As seen in the screen shot above, there is a “find registry, create account and log in” interface that is added in the header area.  Also, there is an “add registry” button or text area installed on the item pages. Both are styled to match your color palette and font. The registry stores the product, but does not include pricing or options.  There is a notes area when a person adds an item to their registry.

On the back end Yahoo! Store Gift Registry dashboard side, merchants will be able to log in, review/export the user list, emulate a registrant (to assist or remove items, etc.).

A sample built Gift registry can be viewed at (the same Yahoo! Store site from which we’re pulling screenshots used in this blog).  If you locate a Gift Registry for “Agatka” (who is actually one of our Yahoo! Store programmers) you will see how the results appear and be able to look at a test registry, here below:

yahoo store gift registry

Our eCommerce specialist, Jen Boos is happy to speak with Yahoo! Store merchants to answer any other questions, give a demo, etc. Contact FastPivot today to learn more about Gift Registry for Yahoo! Stores!

Note: There’s a 5-10 day installation time depending on weekly scheduling.

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