Even with the highest quality Birnn Vermont chocolate pirouetting under the pixelated “golden” foil of this “before” site, cocoa aficionados might still snub their noses. A truffle might melt in your mouth, but the wrapper must widen the pupils before taste buds begin to dance.
Just a glance at this new chocolaty Yahoo! Store re-design (below) woos the salivary glands. Even if you can still blink a few times after beholding the twin truffle goodness displayed here, it’ll be exceedingly challenging not to devour the wooden spoon they’re perched upon as well.
This very appealing custom store is designed to showcase its items in what is nothing less than a confectionery masterpiece. Ordering is reserved for registered customers only. Specialty configuration helps customers fill boxes completely for optimum shipping efficiency. Viewers can browse chocolate selections, see size and flavor variations, and look through the content areas of the site, which includes photos and video.
Contact FastPivot to order a re-design miracle for your own Yahoo! store.