Yahoo! Developer Partner Update: Details on New Paypal/AmEx Agreement

On Wednesday, June 30th this advanced notice (see an abbreviated version of the message below) was emailed to Yahoo! Small Business Developers regarding the new Paypal/AmEx agreement:

On July 13, 2010, a new agreement between American Express and Paypal will take effect.  This agreement affects merchants using PayPal Website Payments Professional, who accept direct payments in checkout with American Express. This agreement does not affect order payments made through the separate PayPal Express Checkout/PayPal Website Payments Standard flows using American Express, or merchants using FDMS-compatible merchant accounts to accept direct American Express payments.

Merchants using PayPal Website Payments Professional have until October 13, 2010, to accept the new PayPal/American Express agreement.  After this date, if merchants have not accepted the agreement, customers of merchants using PayPal Website Payments Professional will receive a “credit card declined” error when attempting to pay using American Express. Merchants who do not wish to opt-in to the new agreement should disable American Express as a direct payment option in the Payment Center to avoid having customers receive this error.

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