FastPivot Lifts Curtain On, Another Beautiful Yahoo! Store Design

FastPivot’s Yahoo! Store designers recently lifted the curtain on, which is a Yahoo! Store re-design of a previously existing store. This special Yahoo! Store re-design actually included a move to the Yahoo! platform. It was designed from a standard Yahoo! Store style guide package.

Take a minute to review the before and after comparison below:

“Before” FastPivot’s Yahoo! Store Re-Design

Before the FastPivot Yahoo Store Re-Design Facelift
Before FastPivot's Yahoo! Store Re-Design

“After” FastPivot’s Yahoo! Store Re-Design

After FastPivot's Yahoo Store Re-Design Facelift
After FastPivot's Yahoo! Store Re-Design

Although this Yahoo! Store re-design has the brand new, fresh coat of paint look, a lot more goes into a Yahoo! Store re-design than a few pints of new color. Some of this Yahoo! Store’s new features include enlarged images, recently viewed products, rotating image banner, Facebook like button, and tabbed product page details. If you’re familiar with these previously mentioned Yahoo! Store features, it’s easy to see that there’s actually a lot of new functionality here that should serve this Yahoo! Store merchant well in the future.

Questions about this article? Contact Jonathan Poston at [email protected]

Since 1997, FastPivot‚Ñ¢ , a leader in Yahoo! Store solutions, has challenged Yahoo! merchants to increase profitability through strategic initiatives that include: Yahoo! Store design, FastPivot-Mobile Friendly Yahoo! Store Design, Social Media Design, Social Media Education, Social Media Management, SEO & Site Health Analysis Consulting, and FastPivot Software Solutions. FastPivot’s strategic, development, creative and now mobile and social media departments tailor their extensive knowledge of online commerce to each customer’s specific needs.

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