According to Pinterest’s about page, this virtual pin board:
Lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes. Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people.
Pinterest requires an invite to start, but those aren’t hard to get. According to this Entrepreneur article, the site registered seven million in December (2011), and is on track to be the next big thing in social media.
In fact, we’ve already had merchants installing Pinterest buttons on their Yahoo! Store product pages. As we’ve mentioned in earlier blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus aren’t the only players in the social media world anymore. Users are always looking for something fresh, and don’t mind abandoning one platform for another, in a split second. Look what happened to MySpace! As merchants who have decided to market with social media, it is important not to get too attached to one social media platform. We don’t want to see merchants jumping all over the board either, but this one is definitely worth the attention.
Below is a screenshot from one of CreativeKidstuff.com’s product pages. You can see the little “pinit” icon there next to the “like” and +1.
If you’re already a FastPivot client and receive monthly service from us, just ask your project manager to add it to the list of things to do. It only takes .5 hours max, assuming it’s a normal install. For everyone else, we have a five hour minimum order, but we can do a lot for your store in that time. Contact us today to learn more.