On March 30, 2012, Facebook made their “new pages” mandatory. In case you didn’t learn about the updated design and functionality when they were introduced, here’s an official about Page dedicated to helping businesses get with the program.
Now, try Googling: New Facebook Timeline, and the popular search suggestions show what folks are doing and thinking about the update (like, that it sucks).
Many businesses have put so much time and energy into Facebook Timeline that it’s hard to imagine it’s become worthless, and reduced to “sucking” along with the rest of Facebook. First, let’s say that whether the new design sucks, or even makes the Facebook experience creepier or not, people are still using it. It is after all a free service, and for now at least, it’s one that people find more useful than anything else.
Businesses must deal constantly with risk, and calculate it based on probable return. And many of them, including the ones featured on Facebook Pages “About Page” (screenshot below), are raising their sails into the new current sweeping through Facebook. In the next blog, we’ll discuss some of these featured businesses and how they’re telling their story on the new Facebook Timeline.
In the meantime, tell us how your business is leveraging the new Facebook Timeline?