If you are absolutely in love with the way things look and work on your Facebook Page now, try to detach. Changes are coming; don’t they always–especially on Facebook. This time, as you can see in the screen shot of FastPivot’s FB page (see the original for comparison) to the right, the new redesign will sport a two column view, which still has the classic status updater and following posts listed below, but in addition, it will feature another column to the right showing various past posts and other Page information.
It looks sleeker on first glance, but it’s definitely a lot busier than it was before, and the additional information doesn’t seem to justify the extra column. It will take a few minutes for admins to orient, so it is our recommendation that Yahoo! Store merchants go ahead and preview the new design to get used to how it works. The official roll out is coming in just a couple of weeks, on March 30, 2012. Until then, only Page admins will be able to view the new design.
Are you welcoming or loathing the new Facebook Page designs?