Brushing Your Twitter?

Be good for your teeth and the will be good for you We all know we’re supposed to brush three times a day, without forgetting to floss! Brushing is good for more than teeth–no we’re not trying to talk you into doing your tongue too–we’re talking about Twitter, and how to to clean the cling away.

You can “follow” all sorts of distracting Twitter germs; like the stale accounts, hacked accounts, over-used accounts, angry accounts, and even the ones you don’t find relevant anymore. There’s nothing wrong with giving your Twitter a good brush through every once in a while to keep the Tweet stream smelling fresh.

The Cavities

There is the reality that IF you unfollow or clean out those unwanted follows, they’ll in turn clean you out (that is IF they’re following you back…if not, no worries). For those who have built their entire Twitter reputation on following just for the follow back, this is something to be rightly concerned over–that’s why we’re calling these cavities; you need to do a little extra drilling to remove them. Prepare yourself psychologically and make the decision that you can’t simply thrive out there on the reciprocity principles alone. If you’re following and tuning into accounts that are a waste of time, then go ahead and drill them out. Just like going to the dentist to get a cavity fixed, it’s not usually as bad as you think, and besides, when was the last time all your teeth protested when one was fixed?

How Often?

How often to brush is really all about your diet! Do you follow 2000 Tweeple a day? Yes?! Then you probably need to brush your Twitter everyday. If you’re like most, you probably only follow a few here and there. In that case, you can probably go for a week, two, or three before opening wide.

The Brush

You can examine your Twitter followers one at a time, or you can reach for the power brush. A while back Twitter banned a lot of the auto-follow / auto-dump tools because everyone wanted to binge, purge, and gargle (which isn’t good for the Tweeth). But there are still tools out there that clean Twitter better than the manual method. Check out ManageFlitter, and tell us what you think. It’s been one of our favorites, and no we’re not partners, so this plug is sugar free.

What other power tools are you finding out there to help clean your Twitter?

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