FastPivot Yahoo! Store Developers Partner With BuyStream Product Video Publishing

FastPivot is very excited to partner with BuyStream.TV! The trend of interactive and video represents the engaging and creative innovation our clients expect! BuyStream’s innovative, fully Yahoo! Store integrated video shopping product will work superbly both in store and in the video search engines like YouTube, says FastPivot President Matthew Ledford.

According to their production page, “Buystream specializes in video for e-commerce. Whether you need product videos, demo videos, or marketing videos, Buystream is your one-stop video production shop. No matter your budget, Buystream can produce a video that is perfect for your website. Give your site credibility, visibility, and increased usability with custom video from Buystream.”

This effective, revenue boosting online store video solution will offer FastPivot’s Yahoo! Store clients a powerful Yahoo! Store upgrade option. FastPivot, a Yahoo! Store development company, is conscientious about partnering with reputable vendors (see Buystream’s portfolio page) who complement its custom Yahoo! Store design, Yahoo! Store social-mobile upgrades, and Yahoo! Store software solutions.

Now FastPivot’s custom Yahoo! Store clients will have greater access to Yahoo! Store video commerce solutions by Buystream. Are you ready to bring interactivity to your videos? Contact Buystream today for a FREE 30-day Trial Account. Once they receive your information, they‚Äôll call to discuss your video needs and then let you know how to login and use your new account.

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