Mobile Shopping Is Here to Stay
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is an infographic worth? Maybe a million? These mobile shopping infographics hosting in our Fastpivot Pinterest Page tell the story of dramatic growth and the increasing importance of mobile optimization andmobile strategy for internet retailers.
Droid them or dread them, love them or hate them, info graphics are here to stay too.
Here are five of the finest mobile shopping infographics we could find to help you get up to speed on the topic of mobile!
- Mobile morphs the etail environment in this graphic titled Mobile Commerce Revolution from and gets at the topics of ‘tags’ or QR Codes
Source: via fastpivot on Pinterest
- presents a sweet graphical comparison of mobile website development vs. mobile application development across several dimensions as well as pulling data from Internet Retailer, eMarketer and Nielsen and a sneaky little comment about changing button colors and improved conversion rates. Yes Virginia, “add to cart” button color matters.
Source: via fastpivot on Pinterest
- The Explosion of Mobile, clearly shows… well… an explosion since 2009 in smartphone ownership and a similar growth curve in shopping and browsing online across 13 different product categories. Hat tip to and where “Consumers can be confident when dealing with IMRG Members because all interact… using methods that are Honest, Decent, Legal, Truthful and Fair…” What’s not to like about that? Sounds like a Golden Rule Business network.
Source: via fastpivot on Pinterest
- SocialCast pulls data from a boatload of sources to summarize the Mobile App Economy in one page and confirms the often mentioned fact that the Japanese are mobile and app crazy! Given our team’s smart phone addiction, It is difficult to believe that mobile internet use in the US is roughly half that of China and Japan (percentage of mobile subscribers accessing the mobile interent at least monthly.)

Source: via fastpivot on Pinterest
- No mobile shopping list would be complete without mentioning the tabletization of the web. This data assembled by Statista underscores the affluence and importance of tablet shoppers. Higher average order and conversion rates vs. smartphones help establish the tablet as THE NEW MOBILE Shopping Device!
Source: via fastpivot on Pinterest
Top ecommerce agency Fastpivot via FastPivotSoftware innovates a scalable mobile platform, launching Yahoo! Store Merchants smartphone ready in a matter of days not weeks. Custom mobile development and responsive design are also options as time, budget and audience merit.