President, Matthew Ledford, accompanied by his Marketing Director Jennifer Boos, Human Resources Director Daphne Kirkwood, and Social Media/PR specialist Jonathan Poston, attended the Western North Carolina Lessons In Leadership Conference held at the Diana Worthham Theatre in Asheville on January 21th, 2010.
The evening’s presenters were George Fleming on The Big ‘Why’ in Becoming World-Class and keynote speaker Chip Madera on How to Take Your Life and Business Up a Notch.
Fleming’s main point was simple, but one we often forget: Be engaged doing what you love to do.Humans need more than profits to equal fulfillment and often find lasting success by putting their entire existence into their passions and vice-versa. strives to not only find the best ecommerce developers for custom Yahoo Store build and design projects, but to hire the ones who love what they do and take pride in their work. It’s easy to see from our portfolio and testimonials, like the one below, that is indeed world-class ecommerce Yahoo store design and development.
“Before we begin the final training for W.N. I would like to thank the Fast Pivot team for developing a fantastic website.¬† I’m thrilled with the design and know that we will be receiving¬† many accolades, once the site goes live.”
J. K.
Madera came on stage in a big way and the audience pulsed in giddy anticipation as “The Leadership Lion” began his roar. Throughout the entire performance the crowd remained possessed with mass infatuation, clapping and hooting wildly, as this man with the energy of a hurricane, revealed the keys to effective leadership. Among his many pointers, his central thrust was about innervating life and business through the forging of positive self image.

Madera encouraged us all to take a hard look in the mirror every¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬† morning to reassure ourselves, and no one else, of who it is we really want to become. Or rather, as Gandhi said, be that change you want to see in the world. This focus on self development yields a more positive interaction with the world, which ultimately equals stellar customer service, work ethic, company profits, and more! In conclusion, Madera reminded us that when that “big dog” called change inevitably comes barking, embrace, rather than fear, it like the resilient leader you are.
Chip Madera’s message definitely resonates for After all, what (&¬† who) is today’s high-tech cutting edge in the ecommerce field may be tomorrow’s fossilized bone knife. Even with a world class team, we know it’s always important to embrace personal development and change. This is especially true if we expect to continue being the best, which we do!
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Jonathan: Kudos to you and your team for not only making the investment and commitment to participate as a team, but to take the extra step to internalize and apply the evening to your goals and core competencies. You are a shining example of what it takes to develop the leadership qualities necessary for success in this new age of business. Hat’s off to Matt for encouraging each of you to experience this together!
It was great to have the FastPivot folks to Lessons in Leadership.
I’m glad it was a meaningful experience.
Thanks for blogging about it.
I’m delighted to see that you and your colleagues at FastPivot gained value and benefit from the Lessons in Leadership event last Thursday in Asheville! My greatest reward in life is knowing that I can be used to encourage and inspire others to reach beyond their present success to explore their greatest potential. We get better on purpose, not by accident. It is so refreshing to learn that FastPivot and the leaders of it, are intentionally seeking opportunities to take their leadership to the next level. Thank you for being a part of such a magical evening for me. I pray my strategies for accelerating results will continue to spur you on to greatness! Blessings my friend!
Chip Madera, MS, CSP