A Variety of Yahoo Merchants Are Signing Up for Yahoo! Mobile Stores To Avoid Leaving Money on The Table

In the spirit of the 2010 m-commerce revolution, FastPivot began offering a mobile Yahoo! Store beta design solution back in June. Because m-commerce has become instantaneously popular among Yahoo! merchants and e-shoppers, toting next generation mobile smart phones, FastPivot has had a very successful Yahoo! mobile store design beta run. So far, a wide range of Yahoo! Stores are signing up for mobile; most already averaging between 500k – 10+ million in annual revenue on their standard ecommerce platform.

Mobile sales are growing significantly, so if you haven’t upgraded your store to mobile you’re likely to be losing customers and money.

Take this video for example, which shows how your ecommerce site might look to a mobile shopper if you haven’t optimized it for mobile shopping:

Compare the first mobile shopping sample video with this one below, which shows how your ecommerce site might look to a mobile shopper if you HAVE optimized it for mobile shopping:

Sign up for FastPivot mobile today

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