Mobile web browsing in e-commerce has almost doubled since 2012, according to a recent Monetate study. Mobile browsing boasts almost 20% of all e-commerce web traffic. With mobile web browsing growing at this kind of rate, it is surprising how few businesses prioritize a good mobile experience.
The modern e-consumer is increasingly likely to take part in a multi-device retail experience. Meaning that they might begin a shopping experience by browsing on their phone, then continue that experience at home via tablet or computer. How consistent is your experience across these devices? What user interface challenges will your potential customer face on various devices? Are you losing sales, due to these poor experiences? Are you asking yourself these important questions? If not, you may be missing out on sales.
At Fast Pivot, we use our thorough knowledge of development across e-commerce platforms, along with our ever growing knowledge of modern web and user interface design standards to offer both dedicated and responsive mobile design solutions.
Dedicated Mobile Websites
A dedicated mobile website is a separate website that is solely for mobile devices. When a user visits your desktop site, it detects what type of device they are using, and if it is a known mobile device, then it redirects them automatically to the mobile site. Usually this located at something like m.yoursitehere.com or mobile.yoursitehere.com. We offer a dedicated mobile solution for customers on the Yahoo! Merchant Solutions platform.
Responsive Websites
Responsive websites are single sites built to respond to the screen size of the user, instead of the device. This delivers a consistent content experience across all devices. A responsive website basically contains code that says, “Hey browser, when the screen gets down to this size, rearrange things to look like this, so everything fits on the screen.” We offer responsive custom design on many platforms including Shopify and NetSuite.
Mobile and Tablet User Interface Assessment
Our assessment will rate your site based on over 150 user experience best practices, as defined by the Nielsen Norman Group. We will rate your site on both tablet and phone, and then identify areas for improvement. In some cases we recommend an entire responsive rebuild or a dedicated site. In other cases, we can identify “low-hanging fruit”, meaning easily implemented changes to improve multi-device experience.
If you feel like you’re missing out on sales because of how your site looks on mobile devices, then get in touch with us.