Your Weekend Reads for Jan 15 2015

Online Advertising: Boomerang Conversions: Nurture Leads & Gain Repeat Customers With PPC: Paid search is (mostly) concerned with gaining conversions. This is great and all, and definitely should be your main focus, but often times we forget about what happensafter the conversion. Why is this important, you ask? For lead generation, most conversions will not immediately
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Your Weekend Reads for Dec 12, 2014

Pivotpoints | Weekend Reads “When it comes to innovation, an ounce of execution is worth more than a ton of theory.” – Phil McKinney  Online Advertising: Google Launches Custom Columns In AdWords For Deeper Metric Segmentation: Google has launched Custom Columns in AdWords, letting you segment existing column metrics to get more detailed insights based
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Your Weekend Reads for Sept 5, 2014

Online Advertising: Two of The Best Pay-Per-Click Advertising Hacks: The pay-per-click advertising landscape is constantly changing and is becoming more important for businesses to understand than ever. Google alone adds hundreds of new features each year, not to mention the dozens of other emerging and existing PPC platforms. So how do you know which campaigns
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